

~From Four Basic Principles of Numerology, Frank Householder, 1921~

Flammarion, 1888

The Cosmos is infinite. I am a part
Of the Cosmos, its head and its heart.
If God include all, shall He not compass me?
If He is, then I am. If I am, is not He?
No matter how infinitesimal I,
I am one with infinity. Why should I cry
I am nothing, if nothingness still may include
The desire and the dream of all Infinitude?
I am small? Be it so. But I also am great
While my smallness is part of God’s ample estate.


A Taxonomy of Divination

Divinatory Arts


A Taxonomy of magicks derived from Timayenis’s A History of the Art of Magic

Divinatory Arts
Diagrammatic Synopsis of the Divinatory Arts, Robert Fludd, 1619


This name was given to divination through certain appearances in the air. Besides the observation of meteors it included the study of the clouds, both those in process of formation and those that assume a variety of shapes; for it was believed that the cloud-forms foretold the happy and unhappy aspect of the planets. It was claimed that the
four elements were peopled with spirits called sylphs, nymphs, gnomes, salamanders, etc. The gnomes were demons which lodged in the earth and were always intent upon
doing mischief. Water was the home of the nymphs, while fire was that of the salamanders. The sylphs, peopling the air, were the most beautiful and lovable creatures in the world. We are told that one could easily approach them, yet on one condition, which rendered it well-nigh impossible —it was, to be absolutely chaste. Continue reading

Short Stories and Poems for Children



The Ghost

Peter once saw two ags of nuts lying in a garden-house. “This is lucky,” thought he to himself; and determined to steal them. As it was now daylight, when such tricks are not so easily played, he waited till night, the time for evil deeds; though wicked people forget that the eye of God is on them in the dark as well as in the light. Continue reading

The Judges’ Guide to Detention and Torture of Witches

~From the Malleus Maleficarum (Hammer of Witches) of 1487~

This is an excerpt from the text Malleus Maleficarum, which is considered to be the “handbook” for the persecution of witches used by male perpetrators of the misogynistic and bloodthirsty attempted extirpation that took place during the 16th and 17th centuries. Continue reading